Improving health outcomes
雇主在改善健康状况方面具有集体影响力. Successful efforts to personalize the experience, 按价值付费, drive to 质量 and embrace disruption have resulted in progress. Facing the impact of market forces accelerated by COVID-19, 雇主现在需要从健康和福利计划中获得更大的价值. It is time for employers to rebalance the 质量 vs. cost equation, and reinvent for value. 我们可以帮忙.
With the insight on what’s driving claims, 你的员工福利顾问会和你一起把风险降到最低, manage overall spend and contain costs. 不仅仅是利用我们与保险公司的牢固关系来确保有利条款, but by also helping you to prioritize plan 设计, health risk management, 融资, 政府, vendor management and governance changes. 我们的福利管理系统和福利沟通服务可以帮助您进一步提高投资回报.
Drive 创新 with specialty solutions
雇主要为数百万美国人的健康保险和福利负责. 1.8亿人通过雇主获得医疗保险(超过美国人口的一半),雇主在医疗保健上花费了8800亿美元.
高价值医疗服务(HVC)是指为患者提供高质量医疗服务和卓越体验的医疗服务, while also effectively managing costs for the member and the plan.
美世提供创新的解决方案,帮助您改善成本状况并降低风险, while simultaneously, improving 质量 and the employee experience.
我们的 health and benefit solutions
Employee 好处 plan strategy & 设计
我们采用经过深思熟虑的方法来帮助您阐明您的计划目标和利益路线图. Whether your focus is reducing costs, competing in the war for talent or boosting employee wellbeing, we’ll ensure your 好处 program is fit for purpose. -
Employee 好处 broker services
我们市场领先的员工福利经纪服务可以帮助您以合适的价格获得合适的福利解决方案. 我们还将提供更明智的福利建议,以降低您的风险状况和索赔要求,以保持计划的可持续性. -
Employee 好处 分析 & 的见解
If you want to improve well-being, manage costs or retain employees, robust employee 好处 分析 will inform strategic thinking. 我们市场领先的工具可帮助您利用员工福利数据. -
Employee 好处 沟通
正确的福利沟通策略将提高员工的敬业度, helping you to attract and retain talent. 我们的端到端员工福利沟通解决方案包括品牌推广, messaging and 沟通 tools.
Engaging employee 好处 solutions
世界各地的劳动力越来越多代、多样化和全球化. 我们的 健康 on Demand research found that the more varied the 好处 you offer, 越忠诚, engaged and energized your workforce will become.
满足这些需求的关键是引入自动化的福利管理解决方案. Not only does this reduce the 政府 burden on teams, 但数字工具使课程能够根据员工的独特需求和兴趣进行定制.
我们的 employee 好处 consultants, with deep expertise at both a global and local level, are not tied to any specific solutions. 这意味着我们可以帮助您制定战略,并选择适合您的项目和供应商, wherever you’re based.
Employee 好处 solution challenges
Employee 好处 solutions you can trust
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